PROJECT MANAGER: Maristella Manfredi
STARTING EVENT: 18/05/2018
SCHOOL ADOPTED: Primary and Secondary Leopardi di Cocconato (At)
CITY: Cocconato (At)
PEOPLE INVOLVED: Fabrizio Lapenna, Maristella Manfredi, Raffaela Bracco


To practice dance not only as a playful moment, but also to improve  discipline and  the knowledge of one’s body. Starting from the sentence of Sir Ken Robinson “Because dance at school is as important as mathematics” we contacted a dance teacher and offered lessons to all classes of schools involved. With this project we want to educate primary and secondary school children in taking care of their body and increasing their sensitivity towards it.

Project structure

The project has been developed according to these guidelines:

1. coordination and movement of the body
2. development of musicality
3. dance as a body expression and moving art as an education to a discipline

It took place in the school gym for three consecutive friday until the end of the school year. For a total of three hours for each primary and secondary class with the active participation of teachers in the lessons. The teacher Rita Puja, former dancer of modern dance and owner of a dance school in Asti, has collaborated with us.