
In September Luca and Patrizia got in touch with the events manager of the school “Liceo Artistico” in Cuneo. Together it has been determined the need to set up an exhibition at the end of the school year in the hall of the Filatoio di Caraglio. During the school year, the teachers have been assisted in establishing the promotional needs for this purpose. When the exhibition route has been designed, the foreseen illustrations/works have been counted and the number of frames needed for the exhibition was quantified. In April, on the occasion of the Easter festivities, a fundraising campaign was organised through a lottery during an evening’s happy hour, in collaboration with Capitolo Bisalta.

The money raised was equally divided between the two Capitolo groups. The part destined to our Capitolo was used for the printing of promotional material such as: posters, fliers, invitations, etc.. In addition, part of the proceeds was used for the purchase of the frames. In collaboration with a member of Capitolo Bisalta, (who has a picture frame shop), a collaboration with the school was established so to have facilitated costs. During the inauguration, Professor Formisano allowed us to speak and present the initiatives of Business Voice. Thanks to what has been done, a good synergy has been created between us and the school and also the headmaster who administers 3 institutes has communicated to us the willingness for his 3 institutes to collaborate with us next year.