PROJECT MANAGER: Claudia Piolatto, Giovanna Supertino
STARTING EVENT: 1 - 10 June exhibition; auction in September 2018
SCHOOL ADOPTED: Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni Papa XXIII
OTHER ENTITIES INVOLVED: SS. Annunziata Savigliano Pediatrics Department
ALTRE MANIFESTAZIONI CORRELATE: Culture Day Città di Savigliano, Leonardo National Painting Competition
CITY: Savigliano
PEOPLE INVOLVED: Dario Ferracin, Petra Senesi, Piero Senesi, Valerio Maccagno


As part of the Leonardo project, an exhibition of paintings by artists from all over Italy, both established and emerging, was organized, followed by an auction. The exhibition took place at the “Antonino Olmo” Civic Museum in Savigliano for a whole week on the occasion of the culture day in the city of Savigliano. The artists were awarded after evaluation by a scientific jury. During the exhibition all the works done by the students of the Istituto Comprensivo Papa Giovanni XXIII in Savigliano have been exhibited. Event that has been given a lot of feedback from local newspapers. Finally, a catalog of the exhibition was drawn up.