PROJECT MANAGER: Claudia Piolatto, Giovanna Supertino
STARTING EVENT: July-September 2018
SCHOOL ADOPTED: Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni Papa XXIII
OTHER ENTITIES INVOLVED: SS. Annunziata Savigliano Pediatrics Department
ALTRE MANIFESTAZIONI CORRELATE: Leonardo National Painting Competition
CITY: Savigliano
PEOPLE INVOLVED: Claudia Piolatto, Luca Menardi, Piero Senesi


Within the Leonardo project, the drawings made by the students of the Istituto Comprensivo Papa Giovanni XXIII in Savigliano, will be used to decorate the waiting room of the pediatric ward of the Sant’Annunziata Hospital. This is intended to brighten the stay of children and parents who are experiencing a difficult time as a hospitalization. In particular, to brighten up school aged children who, thanks to the teachers of the Comprehensive Pope John XXIII Institute in Savigliano, are able to attend school classes in the Hospital.