PROJECT MANAGER: Claudia Piolatto, Giovanna Supertino
STARTING EVENT: 20/02/2018
SCHOOL ADOPTED: Istituto Comprensivo Giovanni Papa XXIII
OTHER ENTITIES INVOLVED: SS. Annunziata Savigliano Pediatrics Department
ALTRE MANIFESTAZIONI CORRELATE: Leonardo National Painting Competition
CITY: Savigliano
PEOPLE INVOLVED: Claudia Piolatto, Francesca Milanesio, Gianluca Menardi, Giovanna Supertino, Luciana Grande, Milena Rabbia, Petra Senesi, Piero Senesi


In order let children have an educational moment and at the same time feel involved in the color design of the waiting room of the pediatric ward we propose an intervention divided into three parts.

Project structure

The first part, in the classroom, is supported by professionals and entrepreneurs to give children a formative moment about the role of color, architecture, decoration and art. This intervention should last approximately 2 hours.

The second part of the project, more related to the theme “The desire to live and grow up”, ensures that  children led by teachers write a story, supported by drawings,. History will be the basis of the next phase.

The third part foresees once again the presence of professionals who, together with the children, interpret the story they wrote, turning it into the basis for the color the design of the hall. In this way children will be directly involved into the design.  Their drawings will be hanged out in the room.

With this project we want to educate children not only to look in a new way at  the role of the entrepreneur who becomes mentor here, but also to educate them towards mutual support by making them participants in the project aimed at their contemporaries living a difficult moment. Moreover, children are given a closer look at the world of work on several fronts: psychology, art, architecture and decoration, becoming direct protagonists.