PROJECT MANAGER: Giancarlo Camusso, Girardo Gabriella
SCHOOL ADOPTED: Liceo Statale “E. De Amicis” – Cuneo
CITY: Cuneo - Sala Einaudi of the Province of Cuneo
PEOPLE INVOLVED: Girardo Gabriella


Meeting with the world sports champion Daniele Cassioli to teach children to grow and overcome obstacles, relating to the school by now, but to life tomorrow  The school has a “sporty” schooling address and therefore the testimony of Daniele Cassioli was an example of how sport can become a very strong tool to communicate that life is enjoyable beyond any physical condition. The boys were particularly interested in understanding how they can face and overcome the difficulties that life poses in front of each of us.

Project structure

The meeting took place at the conference hall of the Province of Cuneo and the third and fourth classes of the institute participated. This intervention lasted approximately 4 hours. These hours have been considered useful for the school-work alternation and therefore imputed to the total amount of hours, the students must reach during the three years course.